Air Cooled Scroll Chillers
Werner Finley’s air cooled scroll chillers are distributed over four series, broadly categorised based on the water quality used for the process and the ambient temperatures under which they are made to operate. All these chillers are made to be compatible for both indoor and outdoor installation. In those chillers having capacities of 15 TR and more, Werner Finley offers a bare chiller option wherein the water reservoir and pump are absent. In a package chiller there can be 2 skids; one for the chiller and one for the tank and pump. This option is customised based on the client’s availability of space.
Scroll chillers starting at capacities of 10 TR contain single or two compressor circuit redundancy options. When a product contains a two/three/four compressor, it is indicative of their own independent refrigerant circuits that function in succession, which further ensures redundancy of the unit and longevity of the circuit. Each chiller comes with a dedicated microprocessor or PLC-based chiller controllers which determine the number of compressors to run based on the amount of heat load. Due to these features, the Air Cooled Scroll Chillers are energy efficient and offer redundancy based on the criticality of the application.

Our Applications
Solar and Wind Energy, Health Care, Data Center, Power Electronics, Machine Tool, Induction Heating, Welding, Hydraulic Oil Cooling, Paint Manufacture, Pharma, Chemical, X-Ray Spectrometer, Vacuum Systems, Breweries, Food Processing, Plastic, Concrete Batching